I, _____________________________, of legal age, and a resident of ________________________________________ hereby accepts in full awareness and understanding the provisions of the Student Handbook of Northwestern University- its values, academic rules and regulations, the student rights and obligations, Code of Conduct and Discipline and other matters relating to students enrolled therein. Pursuing admission to Northwestern University is, therefore, a choice and a voluntary commitment to uphold all school standards and regulations.
I agree to live the following principles both on and off campus:
1. I will uphold the vision, mission, objectives, goals and values of Northwestern University;
2. I will participate actively in all University activities, faithfully and unconditionally;
3. I will lead a life of a true champion guided by the core values of Northwestern University – Commitment to Excellence * Honesty and Integrity * Active Involvement* Management of Resources* Professionalism* and Self-less service;
4. I will uphold Respect for others and their property: not tolerate any form of verbal, physical, or sexual abuse; and respect the personal dignity, time and right to privacy of others;
5. I will actively participate in the corporate life of the university, taking initiative to meet all my duties under its regulations, which includes financial obligations, program and class attendance.
6. In case of infraction or any violations of the provisions of this Student Handbook and any University rules and regulations, I would adhere to disciplinary actions and processes in place.
I have read and understood the above statements, and agree to uphold the values outlined above and as stated in 9999 the NWU Student Handbook and other related supplementary rules and regulations of the specific College of my choice. I am also aware that a pattern of failure to meet these expectations may jeopardize my privilege to continue as a student of NWU.
I hereby attach my signature as a sign of my acceptance and my compliance.
Student Signature over printed Name
Date: _______________________
_______________________________________ ________________________________________________
Witness Signature over printed Name Parent/Guardian Signature over printed Name
Date:_________________________________ Date : __________________________________________
Witness Signature over printed