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American Field Service 2019

American Field Service 2019

A year ago, the University became partners with AFS-Intercultural Program Philippines and opened its doors to participants through the Hosting Program.Global citizenship seemed to be a BIG NEW THING that was far-fetched and might not happen YET in NWU.
It just took a tinge of faith in the program per se and that it CAN happen…and it DID happen because on July 23, 2018…Nataniele Casini and Valentina Capraro became to Laoag City and to NWU and the first exchange students from AFS Italy. For almost 10 months, they became part of host families and the NWU family.
Time passed and their period of engagement had been completed.Congratulations to both Nataniele and Valentina for having finished the 10-month stay in a whole new place with an entirely different culture